Friday, 4 January 2008


I efteråret var vi i Berlin sammen med Julia og Jeremy og to af deres venner fra Canada (Bruce og Brandy). I Canada er der åbenbart en eller anden uskreven regel om at man kun kan danne par med folk hvis navn starter med det samme bogstav. Undtagelsen er selvfølgelig Julias bror og hans kone. De hedder Chris og Karen... men det lyder jo som det samme bogstav!! Hmmm...

I hvert fald var det en fed tur. Masser at se, Berlin kan klart anbefales. Og maden vi fik på denne tyrkiske restaurant var bare fantastisk - ikke noget at sige til at vi smiler. På billedet ses fra venstre Bruce's hånd, Calin, Jeremy, Julia og Susanne. Det var Brandy der tog billedet.


In the fall we were in Berlin together with Julia and Jeremy and two of their friends from Canada (Bruce and Brandy). Apparently in Canada there is this rule that you can only couple with people whose first name begin with the same letter as your own. The exception is off course Julias brother and his wife. They are called Chris and Karen... hey wait a minute, that sounds like the same letter!! Hmmm...

Anyway, the trip was amazing. Loads to see, we can clearly recommend Berlin. And the food we had in this turkish restaurant was fantastic - so off course we are smiling. In the picture you see from the left: Bruce's hand, Calin, Jeremy, Julia and Susanne. Brandy took the picture.

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