Thursday 3 May 2007

We sleep well!

So we finally have our own place here in Jena. We picked up the keys last Friday morning. Friday afternoon we drove to Denmark, to Susanne's parents. There we could rest a bit before the big movement weekend. On Saturday we drove to Copenhagen and there we packed all our stuff, plus we got rid of a lot of stuff at the recycling station. Then, the next day we got some help from Mikkel, Ebbe and Sveinn, and together we carried all the stuff down from the third floor and filled up the rented truck. We ended up loading it pretty efficient and almost used all of our 13 m3. After a night over at Susanne's parents on the way back, we arrived at our new place Monday late in the afternoon. We packed out half of our stuff and I reassembled the bed. We slept good after all the hard work! On Tuesday, Dennis and Julia came to help to carry up the rest of our furniture. In the afternoon we picked up our stuff that we already had in Jena, it was stored at Julia's place. There we got some help from Rona. Since, Tuesday was a holiday here in Germany, one of the restaurants in Cospeda had put their grill outside and served nice meat, bratwurst and cold beer. We thought we had deserved this and sat down a little while. Thereafter we took a tour in our new backyard (a nature reserve). We went to bed early and slept incredibly well again :-) Now slowly everything is getting right, but there is still lots of decoration to do. Also missing: our terrace floor, which should be built on Monday.

Thanks to everyone that helped us moving!!!

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